Thursday, February 7, 2008


In my opinion, the only award show ever worth watching is The Oscars. In fact, I think it's the only award worth winning in entertainment. I really enjoy movies, and over this past summer, I happened to go to a lot of them (Unfortunately, not enough of the nominated ones). So here are just some of my opinions about The Acadamy Awards and the films that are nominated.

First off, I think the Oscar for Best Actor is going to be the most anticipated award of the night. Just look at the nominees: George Clooney, Daniel Day Lewis, Johnny Depp, Tommy Lee Jones, and Viggo Mortensen. Those are 5 mega-star actors right there. These 5 guys have been the biggest and best names in film over the past ten years and to have all these guys nominated on the same night is incredible. Usually there are one or two no name's to come out of no where to scrounge up a nomination, but not this year, the big guns are coming out.

I'm sorry to say that I actually haven't seen any of the movies these guys are nominated for. I will see There Will Be Blood very soon, and I hear that Daniel Day Lewis is the odds on favorite at this point.

As far as Best Picture goes, the nominees are Juno, No Country for Old Men, Michael Clayton, Atonement, and There Will Be Blood. I will definitely see Juno and ....Blood very soon, definitely before the Oscars, but the only movie that I have seen out of these 5 is No Country. I absolutely loved No Country for Old Men, and I feel that, although There Will Be Blood is going to win, this movie has the best shot of beating the favorite and would be my choice. It has by far, the best ensemble cast, and is just so sharp and well crafted, translated to film almost perfectly from Cormac McCarthey's novel of the same name (which is also spectacular by the way). I also have a thing for Coen Brother's movies.

So it should come to no surprise to anyone that I want Javier Bardem to win Best Supporting Actor for No Country. In fact, if he doesn't win, I might actually take back what I said about the Oscars being the only award show worth watching.

Best Actress.... don't really care. Best Supporting Actress... I guess I'll be rooting for Ruby Dee, in American Gangster.

In directing, I will concede to the fact that I haven't seen most of these movies, and even if I did I would still be rooting for the Coen brothers.

So yeah, there's my in depth look at The Oscars..... maybe I'll update it once I get my act together and actually see these movies...

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