Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Why I'm Doing This Blog

A few days ago, I was sitting awake one night thinking about, well, thinking. And I got to thinking that I do a lot of thinking, sometimes too much thinking. I think about all kinds of things, and sometimes, I even form opinions about things. Things I like, things I don't like, things that are trivial, things that are important, why even things that other people might think about as well.

So in the midst of this deconstructionist conversation with myself about thinking, I decided to create this blog in order to preserve and organize my thinking into sentences and words. Sentences and words that make paragraphs, and paragraphs that hopefully convey some sort of personal viewpoint.

So here I am. And here we go.

First, a little about me. I'm 25 years old. Male. White and middle class. So I should come to no surprise to you that the majority of media, advertising, and consumer goods that are out there are all geared to appeal to me and the other 75% of the American population just like me. (note: I'm also too lazy to actually look up that exact percentage) What this means is that my opinions on things are very important. Maybe not too you, but to politicians and corporations - my opinions are like gold. Because, usually, attached to my opinion is money (typically not much) or a vote of some kind, and as I said before, there's a lot of "me's" out there.

So why am I telling you this? Well it's certainly not to sound conceited or anything like that. And I sure as hell don't want anyone trying to sell me anything. What I do want, is to convince you, the reader (and myself) that I am more then just male, white, middle class, 18-30 years old, and have a lot of time on my hands. And hopefully, as I keep up with this blog, I will start to become better at understanding my own thoughts and feelings, and better at expressing them to others.

I'm not trying to sound like I don't know who I am, I do, but I'm the type of person that needs to have things organized and categorized in order to stay sane, and as I said before, this blog is simply an organization of my thoughts. When I write down the things that I think, I understand them better myself, and they don't get lost while I go numb myself with TV and video games (which I love by the way).

I'm not sure if anyone will actually read this, I'm not even sure if I want people to. But I'm going to put this out there for people to read anyway. If you do, I hope you enjoy what I have to say.

So if you want to know what this blog is going to be about, it'll probably revolve around the things that I like. Movies, sports, music, philosophy, science, books, life in general, I might even tell a story or two. Come baseball season, this might actually turn into a blog about the Phillies (unintentionally of course). Basically expect anything and everything. You will start to get to know me better through the (daily? weekly?) posts that I make, if you plan to take that journey.

So that it's. Oh by the way.... call me Rex Banner.

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